Friday, January 25, 2013

Pinterest Inspired: Menu Board

I've been cruising Pinterest for a while now checking out all of the menu boards and making plans for my own.  This is about my own creation that I ended up with, but I would just like to disclaim that most of what I did here I saw on various other menu boards around Pinterest.  I didn't save any of them or I would link them for credit, but most of these ideas were not my own originally.

On to the menu board...

Here is my finished project, I am pretty happy with how it turned out.  It is bigger than I originally planned on having it be.  I went to Hobby Lobby with the intention of getting an 11x14 frame.  However, when I was strolling around I saw this open back frame and fell in love.

I would normally never pay for a frame like this from Hobby Lobby because they are overpriced in my opinion.  However, I had a 40% off coupon that I was able to combine with my Hubby's 15% off Employee Discount.  On top of that I had a gift card my Hubby got for 10 years of service, so I ended up getting the frame for free.  I then bought a piece of cork board and cut it down to fit in the frame.

I then stapled the fabric (that I apparently did not take a picture of) to the cork board.  After that I gathered up my supplies and painted them black with acrylic paint.

Days of the week letters.

Chalk boxes to hold my recipe cards.

Mini clips for holding the recipes.

The Menu to go across the top.

I painted them all with black acrylic paint, which worked great for the letters.  It didn't work so great for the chalk boxes or the pins though.  So, those ended up being spray painted black for better coverage.  After that, I hit them all with black glitter spray as well, just to add a little pizazz.  Then, I made up my recipe cards and put it all together.  I got a little lazy about taking pictures, but here it is finished up.  I love it and it looks great hanging up in the dining room!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! I've been wanting to make some sort of menu board for a while but I just haven't gotten around to it. Maybe me project for this weekend...
